Bootstrapping a business is lonely. We'll get the perfect group of peers in your corner. Our October peer groups kick off soon!











We'll help you bring your end goals closer within reach.


Getting connected with the right people matters more when you're building a serious business. Building a 6-8 figure business without the perfect network makes everything more difficult. 


We make it simple. We'll pair you with nine other peers who are at a similar stage as you based on business model, revenue, and experience.


You'll leave each group session feeling more confident in yourself, your business, and what you're building toward.


Our members are building six-eight figure businesses with zero funding. 


Being around peers who know what it's like to be in your shoes makes all the difference. Our entrepreneurs get to know each other personally. We vet every member thoroughly. And we're obsessed with quality.


Peer group members will attend two sessions per month to share challenges, be vulnerable, and help one another grow. And you'll do so alongside other aspiring entrepreneurs who are at the same stage as you.


We're better than anyone at getting you in the right room with the right people. It's why hundreds of bootstrappers choose Thrive.

How does it work?


Every two weeks, your peer group will meet for a virtual, 60 minute group session, facilitated by a member of Thrive's team. Those sessions will be recorded.


Each member of the group will be asked to come to the sessions with a challenge you'd like help thinking through, and the other members will provide support. You will be able to communicate with one another in a private Slack channel, too. 


Price to become a member of a peer group

$100 / month or $1,000 / year if paid annually

The deadline to apply to our October batch is September 20th!